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Meet Amy

I am a relational Gestalt Therapist (GIT), certified in Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH), a trained Conflict Mediator, attuned group Facilitator, life-long Artist, and a potentially meaningful experience for you.


Finding a therapist, who you can trust, connect with, and open up to for support, is a vital part of this process. Therapy is not a one size fits all approach, and the therapist who suits you best may or may not be me. A consultation is a good way to figure this out.


…This might be exactly what you're looking for, or if you're still reading this at least worth a try.

Open heart, open mind, trust your instinct.


I'm here if you need !

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Still curious, I respect that...


Want a deeper glimpse into who I am as a person, and how I work? 


Feel most welcome to explore the categories below, 

review this website, read the Frequently Asked Questions, or just glance at the photo's. Its all for you!



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